Source code for pySW4.prep.rfileIO

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python module to read and write rfiles.

.. module:: rfileIO

    Shahar Shani-Kadmiel (

    Shahar Shani-Kadmiel

    This code is distributed under the terms of the
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from warnings import warn

from . import material_model as mm

flush = sys.stdout.flush()
default_proj = b'+proj=utm +zone=36 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'

    ('magic'       , 'int32'   ),
    ('precision'   , 'int32'   ),
    ('attenuation' , 'int32'   ),
    ('az'          , 'float64' ),
    ('lon0'        , 'float64' ),
    ('lat0'        , 'float64' ),
    ('mlen'        , 'int32'   )

    ('hh'  ,  'float64' ),
    ('hv'  ,  'float64' ),
    ('z0'  ,  'float64' ),
    ('nc'  ,  'int32'   ),
    ('ni'  ,  'int32'   ),
    ('nj'  ,  'int32'   ),
    ('nk'  ,  'int32'   )

DATA_PRECISION = {4: np.float32, 8: np.float64}

COMPONENTS = {'rho' : 0,
              'vp'  : 1,
              'vs'  : 2,
              'qp'  : 3,
              'qs'  : 4}

    0 : {'name'      : 'Density',
         'symbol'    : 'rho',
         'unit'      : 'kg/m^3'},
    1 : {'name'      : 'P Wave Velocity',
         'symbol'    : 'Vp',
         'unit'      : 'm/s'},
    2 : {'name'      : 'S Wave Velocity',
         'symbol'    : 'Vs',
         'unit'      : 'm/s'},
    3 : {'name'      : 'Qp',
         'symbol'    : 'Qp',
         'unit'      : ''},
    4 : {'name'      : 'Qs',
         'symbol'    : 'Qs',
         'unit'      : ''},

[docs]def write_hdr(f, magic=1, precision=4, attenuation=1, az=0., lon0=33.5, lat0=28.0, proj_str=default_proj, nb=1): """ Write rfile header. Parameters ---------- f : file Open file handle in ``'wb'`` mode magic : int Determine byte ordering in file. Defaults to 1. precision : int The number of bytes per entry in the data section. 4 - single precision (default) 8 - double precision attenuation : int Indicates whether the visco-elastic attenuation parameters QP and QS are included in the data section. 0 - no visco-elastic attenuation parameters included 1 - visco-elastic attenuation parameters included (default) az : float Angle in degrees between North and the positive x-axis. Defaults to 0. See the `SW4 User Guide <>`_. lon0, lat0 : float Longitude and Latitude of the origin of the data. Defaults to 33.5, 28.0 . proj_str : str Projection string which is read by the Proj4 library if SW4 was built with Proj4 support. See the `SW4 User Guide <>`_ and the `Proj4 <>`_ documentation. Defaults to '+proj=utm +zone=36 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'. nb : int The number of blocks in the data section. Must be > 0. Defaults to 1. """ magic = np.int32(magic) precision = np.int32(precision) attenuation = np.int32(attenuation) az = np.float64(az) lon0 = np.float64(lon0) lat0 = np.float64(lat0) mlen = np.int32(len(proj_str)) nb = np.int32(nb) hdr = [magic, precision, attenuation, az, lon0, lat0, mlen, proj_str, nb] for val in hdr: f.write(val) return
[docs]def read_hdr(f): """ Read rfile header. Parameters ---------- f : file Open file handle in ``'rb'`` mode of the rfile to be read. Returns ------- rfile header data (9 elements): magic, precision, attenuation, az, lon0, lat0, mlen, proj_str, nb magic : int Determine byte ordering in file. precision : int The number of bytes per entry in the data section. 4 - single precision 8 - double precision attenuation : int Indicates whether the visco-elastic attenuation parameters QP and QS are included in the data section. 0 - no visco-elastic attenuation parameters included 1 - visco-elastic attenuation parameters included az : numpy.float64 Angle in degrees between North and the positive x-axis. lon0, lat0 : numpy.float64 Longitude and Latitude of the origin of the data. mlen : int The number of characters in the string ``proj_str``. proj_str : str Projection string which is read by the Proj4 library if SW4 was built with Proj4 support. nb : int The number of blocks in the data section. Notes ----- See the `SW4 User Guide <>`_ for more details about these header parameters. See also -------- .write_hdr """ (magic, precision, attenuation, az, lon0, lat0, mlen) = np.fromfile(f, RFILE_HEADER_DTYPE, 1)[0] proj_str_dtype = 'S' + str(mlen) proj_str = np.fromfile(f, proj_str_dtype, 1)[0] nb = np.fromfile(f, 'int32', 1)[0] return magic, precision, attenuation, az, lon0, lat0, mlen, proj_str, nb
[docs]def write_block_hdr(f, hh, hv, z0, nc, ni, nj, nk): """ Write rfile block header Block headers are appended after the rfile header has been written. All block headers are written one after the other. Parameters ---------- f : file Open file handle in ``'wa'`` mode. hh, hv : numpy.float64 Grid size in the horizontal (x and y) and vertical (z) directions in meters. z0 : numpy.float64 The base z-level of the block. Not used for the first block which holds the elevation of the topography/ bathymetry. nc : int The number of components: The first block holds the elevation of the topography/ bathymetry, so ``nc=1``. The following blocks must have either 3 if only rho, vp, and vs are present (``attenuation=0``) or 5 if qp and qs are pressent (``attenuation=1``). ni, nj, nk : int Number of grid points in the i, j, k directions. Because the topography/bathymetry is (only) a function of the horizontal coordinates, the first block must have ``nk=1``. """ f.write(np.float64(hh)) f.write(np.float64(hv)) f.write(np.float64(z0)) f.write(np.int32(nc)) f.write(np.int32(ni)) f.write(np.int32(nj)) f.write(np.int32(nk))
[docs]def write_topo_block(f, data, precision=4): """ Parameters ---------- f : file or str Open file handle in ``'wa'`` mode or path to an rfile for appending data to the end. data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Elevation data in meters below sea level (z positive down). precision : {4 (default), 8} The number of bytes per entry in the data section. 4 - single precision 8 - double precision """ try: with open(f, 'wa') as f: data.astype(np.float32).tofile(f) except TypeError: data.astype(np.float32).tofile(f)
[docs]def write_properties(f, vp, nc, vs=None, rho=None, qp=None, qs=None): """ Write material properties at a point `i`, `j` in block `b`. This is a convenient function to use while looping over `i`, `j` in a specific block `b` for writing out material properties at each index `k`. At the very least `vp` should be provided. If only `vp` is provided, the other properties are calculated using the :mod:`~..material_model` module. Parameters ---------- f : file Open file handle in ``'wa'`` mode for appending data to the end of a file in construction ot in ``'r+b'`` mode for overwriting existing data. When overwriting existing data, the user must take care to place the cursor in the right place in the file. vp : array-like P wave velocity at indices of `k` in m/s. nc : int Number of components to write out. Either 3 (`rho`, `vp`, and `vs` if ``attenuation=0``) or 5 (also `qp` and `qs` if ``attenuation=1``). vs : array-like, optional S wave velocity at indices of `k` in m/s. If not given, `vs` is calculated from :func:`~..material_model.get_vs`. rho : array-like, optional Density at indices of `k` in kg/m^3. If not given, `rho` is calculated from :func:`~..material_model.get_rho`. qp : array-like, optional P quality factor at indices of `k`. If not given, `qp` is calculated from :func:`~..material_model.get_qp`. qs : array-like, optional S quality factor at indices of `k`. If not given, `qs` is calculated from :func:`~..material_model.get_qs`. """ vp = vp * 1e-3 k_array = np.empty((vp.size, nc), np.float32) vs = vs or mm.get_vs(vp) rho = rho or mm.get_rho(vp) * 1e3 qs = qs or mm.get_qs(vs) * 1e3 qp = qp or mm.get_qp(qs) k_array[:, 0] = rho k_array[:, 1] = vp * 1e3 k_array[:, 2] = vs try: k_array[:, 3] = qp k_array[:, 4] = qs except IndexError: pass k_array.tofile(f)
[docs]def read_block_hdr(f): """ Read rfile block header. Parameters ---------- f : file Open file handle in ``'rb'`` mode of the rfile to be read. Returns ------- rfile block header data (7 elements) hh, hv, z0, nc, ni, nj, nk hh, hv : numpy.float64 Grid size in the horizontal (x and y) and vertical (z) directions in meters. z0 : numpy.float64 The base z-level of the block. Not used for the first block which holds the elevation of the topography/ bathymetry. nc : int The number of components: The first block holds the elevation of the topography/ bathymetry, so ``nc=1``. The following blocks have either 3 if only rho, vp, and vs are present (``attenuation=0``) or 5 if qp and qs are pressent (``attenuation=1``). ni, nj, nk : int Number of grid points in the i, j, k directions. Because the topography/bathymetry is (only) a function of the horizontal coordinates, the first block must have ``nk=1``. """ return np.fromfile(f, BLOCK_HEADER_DTYPE, 1)[0]
[docs]def read(filename, block_number=None, verbose=False): """ Read rfile into :class:`~.Model` object. See :class:`~.Model` for documentation. """ model = Model(filename, block_number, verbose) return model
[docs]class Model(): """ A class to hold rfile header and blocks. .. note:: Setting ``block_number='all'`` for large models may take a while and take up a lot of memory. Block number 1 holds the elevation of the topography/bathymetry. Parameters ---------- filename : file Path to rfile block_number : int, str, None By default (``block_number=None``) only the rfile header and the block headers are read into a :class:`~.Model` object. No block data sections are read. If ``block_number='all'``, all block data sections are read into memory. Therefor, you could read only one block by specifying ``block_number=?`` replacing ``?`` with the block number you are interested in. verbose : bool If ``True``, information about the read process is printed to ``stdout``. Returns ------- :class:`~.Model` A Model object holding rfile header and block headers and perhaps also block data sections, depending on the `block_number` value. """ def __init__(self, filename, block_number=None, verbose=False): self.filename = filename self.blocks = [] with open(filename, 'rb') as self.f: # read rfile header (self.magic, self.precision, self.attenuation,, self.lon0, self.lat0, self.mlen, self.proj_str, self.nb) = read_hdr(self.f) if verbose: print(self) flush # read all block headers for b in range(self.nb): block = Block(self.f, b + 1) self.blocks += [block] if verbose: print(block) flush self.data_section_start = self.f.tell() if block_number is not None: self.read_block_data_section(block_number) def __str__(self): string = ( 'Model information :\n' '----------------- :\n' ' Filename : {}\n' ' lon 0 : {}\n' ' lat 0 : {}\n' ' Azimuth : {}\n' ' Proj4 string : {}\n' ' Number of blocks : {}\n' ).format( self.filename, self.lon0, self.lat0,, self.proj_str, self.nb ) return string
[docs] def read_block_data_section(self, block_number): """ Read the data section of the specified block into the current :class:`~.Model` object to be stored in memory. .. note:: For large models this may take a while and take up a lot of memory. Parameters ---------- block_number : int or str The number of the block you are interested in. Block number 1 holds the elevation of the topography/bathymetry. Blocks 2 and on (``2<=block_number<=self.nb``) hold the material properties of the model. If ``block_number='all'``, all block data sections are read into memory. """ # make sure the cursor is cued o the right position in the # re-opened file. if self.f.closed: self.f = open(self.filename, 'rb') if block_number is 'all': # read data section block by block and # populate the proper block object for block in self.blocks: block._read_block_data_section(self.f, self.precision) elif isinstance(block_number, int): block = self.blocks[block_number - 1] for b in self.blocks: if b.number < block_number: self.precision * * b.nj * b.nk *, 1 ) break block._read_block_data_section(self.f, self.precision)
[docs] def get_properties_at_point(self, x, y, z, property='all'): """ Get the material properties at a point. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : float Distance in km along the x-, y-, and z-axis of the model. (z - positive is down) property : {'all', 'rho', 'vp', 'vs', 'qp', 'qs'} 'all' returns all 5 material properties. Otherwise, only 'rho', 'vp', 'vs', 'qp', or 'qs' are returned. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or float One or all of the material properties at point (x,y,z) (`rho`, `vp`, `vs`, `qp`, `qs`) """ # find the right block for block in self.blocks[1:]: if block.z_extent[1] <= z <= block.z_extent[0]: break indices = (int(round(x * 1e3 / block.hh)), int(round(y * 1e3 / block.hh)), int(round((z * 1e3 - block.z0) / block.hv))) properties =[indices] try: return properties[COMPONENTS[property]] except KeyError: return properties
[docs] def get_z_profile(self, x, y, property='all'): """ Get the material properties along a z-profile at location x,y. Parameters ---------- x, y : float Distance in km along the x-, and y-axis of the model. property : {'all', 'rho', 'vp', 'vs', 'qp', 'qs'} 'all' returns all 5 material properties. Otherwise, only 'rho', 'vp', 'vs', 'qp', or 'qs' are returned. Returns ------- 2 :class:`~numpy.ndarray` 's z : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Elevation values allong the profile, shape (n,) properties : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Material properties (one or all): ('rho', 'vp', 'vs', 'qp', 'qs'), shape (n,) or (n, 5) """ properties = np.empty(5) for block in self.blocks[1:]: try: indices = (int(round(x * 1e3 / block.hh)), int(round(y * 1e3 / block.hh))) properties = np.vstack((properties,[indices])) except IndexError: msg = ('Block number {} has not been read so no data ' 'is present. Replacing with -999. ' 'Consider reading in the entire rfile first.') warn(msg.format(block.number)) properties = np.vstack((properties, np.ones((block.z().shape[0], 5)) * -999.)) z = self.z() if properties.shape[0] < z.size: z = z[1:] elif z.size < properties.shape[0]: properties = properties[1:] try: return z, properties[:, COMPONENTS[property]] except KeyError: return z, properties[:]
[docs] def get_cross_section(self, x1=None, x2=None, y1=None, y2=None): """ Extract a cross-section from a :class:`~.Model` object. Generate a cross-section of the material properties along a line in an existing model (:class:`~.Model`). Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~.Model` A populated Model object from which to extract the data x1, x2 : float Distance in km along the x-axis of start- and end-points. y1, y2 : float Distance in km along the y-axis of start- and end-points. returns ------- :class:`~.CrossSection` A :class:`~.CrossSection` object with data and a plotting method. """ return CrossSection(self, x1, x2, y1, y2)
[docs] def z(self): """ Return a vector (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) with z coordinates of the model based on the `hv` of each block. Coordinates are distance in km along the z-axis of the model which are elevation below sea level (positive is down). """ zi = np.array([]) for block in self.blocks[1:]: zi = np.hstack((zi, block.z())) return zi
[docs] def get_topography(self): """ Returns a 2d :class:`~numpy.ndarray` with elevation data retrieved from the topography/bathymetry block (the first block). .. note:: The origin of the data is the bottom-left corner so if plotted with :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` set the `origin` keyword to 'lower' or simply use :meth:`~.Model.plot_topography` for plotting. """ return self.blocks[0].data
[docs] def plot_topography(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the top surface (topography and bathymetry) of the model. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Use existing axes. If ``ax=None`` function returns a :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance, a :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance, and a :class:`~matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar` instance. Otherwise, only a :class:`~matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar` instance is returned. Other Parameters ---------------- vmin, vmax : int or float Used to limit the scale of the data. By default the minimum and maximum of the data is used. interpolation : str Acceptable values are 'none', 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian', 'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos'. pad : int or float Horizontal space between the axes and the colorbar. size : str or float Width of the colorbar. If float, width is set to `size`. If string colorbar width is calculated as a fraction of the axes width. For example: ``size='3%'`` will result in a colorbar who's width is 3% of the width of the axes. Similarly: ``size='0.3'`` will result in a colorbar who's width is 0.3 of the width of the axes. label : str Label used for the colorbar. By default the label is set by the property plotted. kwargs : :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` propeties. """ data = self.blocks[0].data[::-1] extent = self.blocks[0].xyextent # parse kwargs if 'vmin' in kwargs: vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin') else: vmin = data.min() if 'vmax' in kwargs: vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax') else: vmax = data.max() if 'pad' in kwargs: pad = kwargs.pop('pad') else: pad = 0.02 if 'size' in kwargs: size = kwargs.pop('size') else: size = 0.025 # setup the figure and the axes if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = plt.gcf() # plot the data im = ax.imshow(data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, extent=extent, **kwargs) ax.axis(extent) ax.set_xlabel('y distance from origin [km]') ax.set_ylabel('x distance from origin [km]') ax.set_title('Model topography/bathymetry') # force figure to update its layout plt.draw() ax_pos = ax.get_position() # setup the colorbar if vmin > data.min() and vmax < data.max(): extend = 'both' elif vmin > data.min(): extend = 'min' elif vmax < data.max(): extend = 'max' else: extend = 'neither' if type(size) is str: size = float(size.strip('%')) if size >= 1: size /= 100 size = ax_pos.width * size x0 = ax_pos.x1 + pad width = size y0 = ax_pos.y0 height = ax_pos.height cax = fig.add_axes((x0, y0, width, height)) if 'label' in kwargs: label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = 'Elevation [m.a.s.l]' cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, extend=extend, label=label) cb.solids.set_edgecolor('face') try: return fig, ax, cb except UnboundLocalError: return cb
[docs]class Block(): """ A class to hold rfile block header and data section """ def __init__(self, f, b): self.number = b (self.hh, self.hv, self.z0,,, self.nj, self.nk) = read_block_hdr(f) = np.array([]) self.x_extent = (0, ( - 1) * self.hh * 1e-3) self.y_extent = (0, (self.nj - 1) * self.hh * 1e-3) self.z_extent = ((self.z0 + (self.nk - 1) * self.hv) * 1e-3, self.z0 * 1e-3) self.xyextent = self.y_extent + self.x_extent self.xzextent = self.x_extent + self.z_extent self.yzextent = self.y_extent + self.z_extent def __str__(self): string = ( 'Block information :\n' '----------------- :\n' ' Number : {}\n' ' Horizontal h, m : {}\n' ' Vertical h, m : {}\n' ' z 0, m : {}\n' ' ni : {}\n' ' nj : {}\n' ' nk : {}\n' ' nc : {}\n' ).format( self.number, self.hh, self.hv, self.z0,, self.nj, self.nk, ) return string
[docs] def _read_block_data_section(self, f, precision): """ Private method. Reads the data section of cued file handle. Should not be used by the user. See :meth:`~.Model.read_block_data_section` method in the :class:`~.Model` class. """ data = np.fromfile(f, DATA_PRECISION[precision], * self.nj * self.nk * if == 1: # topo is independant of k = data.reshape(, self.nj) else: # C-order reshape = data.reshape(, self.nj, self.nk,
[docs] def vp(self): """ Return values of vp for block """ return[:, :, :, 1]
[docs] def vs(self): """ Return values of vs for block """ return[:, :, :, 2]
[docs] def rho(self): """ Return values of density for block """ return[:, :, :, 0]
[docs] def qp(self): """ Return values of Qp for block """ return[:, :, :, 3]
[docs] def qs(self): """ Return values of Qs for block """ return[:, :, :, 4]
[docs] def x(self): """ Return a vector with x coordinates of the block based on ``hh``. Coordinates are distance in km. """ hh = self.hh * 1e-3 return np.arange(self.x_extent[0], self.x_extent[1] + hh, hh)
[docs] def y(self): """ Return a vector with y coordinates of the block based on ``hh``. Coordinates are distance in km. """ hh = self.hh * 1e-3 return np.arange(self.y_extent[0], self.y_extent[1] + hh, hh)
[docs] def z(self): """ Return a vector with z coordinates of the block based on ``hv``. Coordinates are elevation below sea level in km (positive is down). """ hv = self.hv * 1e-3 return np.arange(self.z_extent[1], self.z_extent[0] + hv, hv)
[docs]class CrossSection(): """ Class to generate and hold a cross-section of the material properties along a line in an existing model (:class:`~.Model`). Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~.Model` A populated Model object from which to extract the data x1 : float Distance in km along the x-axis of start-point. x2 : float Distance in km along the x-axis of end-point. y1 : float Distance in km along the y-axis of start-point. y2 : float Distance in km along the y-axis of end-point. returns ------- :class:`~.CrossSection` A :class:`~.CrossSection` object with data and a plotting method. """ def __init__(self, model, x1=None, x2=None, y1=None, y2=None): hh = model.blocks[1].hh * 1e-3 # make sure all points are properly defined if x1 is x2 is y1 is y2 is None: msg = 'Must provide at least one of (x1, x2, y1, y2)' raise ValueError(msg) else: if x1 is None and x2 is not None: x1 = x2 elif x1 is not None and x2 is None: x2 = x1 elif x1 is None and x2 is None: x1, x2 = model.blocks[1].x_extent if y1 is None and y2 is not None: y1 = y2 elif y1 is not None and y2 is None: y2 = y1 elif y1 is None and y2 is None: y1, y2 = model.blocks[1].y_extent if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2: msg = 'No line is formed between (x1={},y1={}) and (x2={},y2={}).' raise ValueError(msg.format(x1, y1, x2, y2)) self.x1 = x1 self.x2 = x2 self.y1 = y1 self.y2 = y2 # find all pixels along the cross-section line in each block y, x = line_func(y1, y2, x1, x2, hh) self.z = model.z() self.cs_coordinates = np.sqrt(y**2 + x**2) self.h_extent = (self.cs_coordinates[0], self.cs_coordinates[-1]) # initialize the array for the data and populate it properties = np.empty((self.z.size, self.cs_coordinates.size, 5)) for col, (xi, yj) in enumerate(zip(x, y)): properties[:, col] = model.get_z_profile(xi, yj)[1] self.max = [col.max() for col in properties.T] self.min = [col.min() for col in properties.T] self.std = [col.std() for col in properties.T] # split the properties array into block with different extents indices = np.cumsum([block.nk for block in model.blocks[1:-1]]) self.extents = [ self.h_extent + block.z_extent for block in model.blocks[1:] ] = np.vsplit(properties, indices)
[docs] def plot(self, property='vp', ax=None, draw_separator=False, **kwargs): """ Plot cross-section. Parameters ---------- property : {'vp', 'vs', 'qp', 'qs'} Which property to plot. ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Use existing axes. If ``ax=None`` function returns: a :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance, a :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance, and a :class:`~matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar` instance. Otherwise, only a :class:`~matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar` instance is returned. draw_separator : bool If set to ``True``, a separator is plotted between blocks. Other Parameters ---------------- vmin : int or float Used to limit the scale of the data. By default the minimum and maximum of the data is used. vmax : int or float Used to limit the scale of the data. By default the minimum and maximum of the data is used. ylim : tuple Set the ylim (vertical) extent of the plot. aspect : str or int or float Changes the axes aspect ratio. interpolation : str Acceptable values are 'none', 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian', 'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos'. pad : int or float Horizontal space between the axes and the colorbar. size : str or float Width of the colorbar. If float, width is set to ``size``. If string colorbar width is calculated as a fraction of the axes width. For example: ``size='3%'`` will result in a colorbar who's width is 3% of the width of the axes. Similarly: ``size='0.3'`` will result in a colorbar who's width is 0.3 of the width of the axes. label : str Label used for the colorbar. By default the label is set by the property plotted. kwargs : :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` propeties. """ # parse kwargs if 'vmin' in kwargs: vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin') else: vmin = self.min[COMPONENTS[property]] if 'vmax' in kwargs: vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax') else: vmax = self.max[COMPONENTS[property]] if 'aspect' in kwargs: aspect = kwargs.pop('aspect') else: aspect = 1 if 'pad' in kwargs: pad = kwargs.pop('pad') else: pad = 0.02 if 'size' in kwargs: size = kwargs.pop('size') else: size = 0.025 if 'ylim' in kwargs: ylim = kwargs.pop('ylim') else: ylim = None # setup the figure and the axes if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = plt.gcf() # plot each block for i, data in enumerate( data[data == -999] = np.nan im = ax.imshow(data[:, :, COMPONENTS[property]], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, extent=self.extents[i], **kwargs) if draw_separator: extents = np.array(self.extents) ax.hlines(extents[:, 2], xmin=extents[:, 0], xmax=extents[:, 1]) ax.axis(self.h_extent + (self.z[-1], self.z[0])) if ylim: ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_aspect(aspect) ax.set_xlabel('Distance from origin [km]') ax.set_ylabel('Depth from sea-level [km]') ax.set_title('Cross-section along line from\n' 'P1({},{}) to P2({},{})'.format(self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2)) # force figure to update its layout plt.draw() ax_pos = ax.get_position() # setup the colorbar if (vmin > self.min[COMPONENTS[property]] and vmax < self.max[COMPONENTS[property]]): extend = 'both' elif vmin > self.min[COMPONENTS[property]]: extend = 'min' elif vmax < self.max[COMPONENTS[property]]: extend = 'max' else: extend = 'neither' if type(size) is str: size = float(size.strip('%')) if size >= 1: size /= 100 size = ax_pos.width * size x0 = ax_pos.x1 + pad width = size y0 = ax_pos.y0 height = ax_pos.height cax = fig.add_axes((x0, y0, width, height)) if 'label' in kwargs: label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = ('{} [{}]' .format(TITLES_AND_LABELS[ COMPONENTS[property]]['symbol'], TITLES_AND_LABELS[ COMPONENTS[property]]['unit'])) cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, extend=extend, label=label) cb.solids.set_edgecolor('face') try: return fig, ax, cb except UnboundLocalError: return cb
# The following function is copied over from ```` # to help make this IO library independant of the rest of the package.
[docs]def line_func(h1, h2, v1, v2, spacing=1): """ Return all coordinates along a straight line from point (`h1`,`v1`) to point (`h2`,`v2`) with `spacing`. Parameters ---------- h1, h2 : int or float Horizontal coordinate of the start-point and end-point. v1, v1 : int or float Vertical coordinate of the start-point and end-point. spacing : int or float Spacing along the straight line between coordinates. Controls the data-type returned: If ``spacing`` type is ``int``, the values in the returned arrays are ``int``. If ``spacing`` type is float, the values in the returned arrays are ``float``. Returns ------- 2 class:`~numpy.ndarray` 2 arrays with horizontal coordinates and vertical coordinates. """ v_diff = v2 - v1 h_diff = h2 - h1 if h_diff == 0: n = int(v_diff / spacing) v = np.linspace(v1, v2, n + 1) h = np.zeros_like(v) elif v_diff == 0: n = int(h_diff / spacing) h = np.linspace(h1, h2, n + 1) v = np.zeros_like(h) else: slope = float(v_diff) / (h_diff) if slope > 1: dh = spacing / slope else: dh = spacing * slope l = (h_diff**2 + v_diff**2)**0.5 n = l / dh b = v1 - slope * h1 h = np.linspace(h1, h2, n + 1) v = (slope * h + b) if type(spacing) is int: h = h.astype(int) v = v.astype(int) return h, v