pySW4 Library Reference

pySW4: Python routines for interaction with SW4

pySW4 is an open-source project dedicated to provide a Python framework for working with numerical simulations of seismic-wave propagation with SW4 in all phases of the task (preprocessing, post-processing and runtime visualization).


Shahar Shani-Kadmiel (

Omry Volk (

Tobias Megies (


Shahar Shani-Kadmiel (

Omry Volk (

Tobias Megies (


This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (

The functionality is provided through the following sub-packages:

cli Command line scripts of pySW4.
plotting Plotting routines of pySW4.
postp Postprocessing routines of pySW4
prep Preprocessing routines of pySW4.
utils Various utilities for pySW4.


headers Some dictionaries and data_types for SW4 output files.
sw4_metadata Parsing routines for SW4 input and output files and directories.