pySW4.postp.image module

Python module to handle SW4 images of Maps or Cross-Sections.


Shahar Shani-Kadmiel (

Omry Volk (

Tobias Megies (


Shahar Shani-Kadmiel (

Omry Volk (

Tobias Megies (


This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (

class Image(input_file=None, stf=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class to hold SW4 image files.

Initialize an empty Image object, preferentially specifying the input file used to run the simulation.


input_file : str or AttribDict

Input file (already parsed or filename) used to compute the image output.

stf : {‘displacement’, ‘velocity’}

Only needed if no metadata from original input_file is used.


Calculate min, max, rms, and ptp.


Read the last bit of the SW4 image file in case a curvilinear grid is found.


f : file

Open file handle of SW4 image file (at correct position).


Read SW4 header information and store it in an Image object.


f : file

Open file handle of SW4 image file (at correct position).


Read SW4 patch data and store it in a list of Patch objects under patches.


f : file

Open file handle of SW4 image file (at correct position).


Return a deepcopy of self.

plot(patches=None, ax=None, vmin='min', vmax='max', colorbar=True, cmap=None, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', projection_distance=inf, **kwargs)[source]

Plot all (or specific) patches in Image.


patches : list of int

Patches to plot

Other Parameters:

ax : Axes

Use existing axes.

vmin : float

Manually set minimum of color scale.

vmax : str or float

Used to clip the coloring of the data at the set value. Default is ‘max’ which shows all the data. If float, the colorscale saturates at the given value. Finally, if a string is passed (other than ‘max’), it is casted to float and used as an rms multiplier. For instance, if vmax='3', clipping is done at 3.0*rms of the data.

colorbar : bool or str

If colorbar is a string, that string is used to override the automatic label chosen based on the image header. To Supress plotting of the colorbar set to False.

cmap : Colormap

Colormap for the plot

interpolation : str

Acceptable values are ‘none’, ‘nearest’, ‘bilinear’, ‘bicubic’, ‘spline16’, ‘spline36’, ‘hanning’, ‘hamming’, ‘hermite’, ‘kaiser’, ‘quadric’, ‘catrom’, ‘gaussian’, ‘bessel’, ‘mitchell’, ‘sinc’, ‘lanczos’.

origin : str

Places the origin at the ‘lower’ (default) or ‘upper’ left corner of the plot.

projection_distance : float

Threshold distance from the plane coordinate to include symbols of stations and sources. These are orthogonally projected onto the plotted 2D plane. By default everything is included but this can cause too many symbols to be plotted, obscuring the image.


>>> my_image.plot()  # plots all patches
>>> my_image.plot(patches=[0, 2])  # plots first and third patch
class Patch(image=None, number=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class to hold SW4 patch data.

Initialize an empty Patch object, preferentially specifying the parent Image.


image : Image

Parent Image object.

number : int

Patch index in parent image (starts at 0).


Set SW4 patch header information


Return a deepcopy of self.

plot(ax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, colorbar=True, cmap=None, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', **kwargs)[source]

Plot patch.


Should not really be used directly by the user but rather called by the plot() method.


ax : Axes

Use existing axes.

vmin : float

Manually set minimum of color scale.

vmax : float

Manually set maximum of color scale.

colorbar : bool or str

If colorbar is a string, that string is used to override the automatic label chosen based on the image header. To Supress plotting of the colorbar set to False.

cmap : Colormap

Colormap for the plot

interpolation : str

Acceptable values are ‘none’, ‘nearest’, ‘bilinear’, ‘bicubic’, ‘spline16’, ‘spline36’, ‘hanning’, ‘hamming’, ‘hermite’, ‘kaiser’, ‘quadric’, ‘catrom’, ‘gaussian’, ‘bessel’, ‘mitchell’, ‘sinc’, ‘lanczos’.

origin : str

Places the origin at the ‘lower’ (default) or ‘upper’ left corner of the plot.

Other Parameters:

kwargs : imshow()

read_image(filename='random', input_file=None, stf='displacement', verbose=False)[source]

Read image data, cross-section or map into a Image object.


filename : str

If no filename is passed, by default, a random image is generated. if filename is None, an empty Image object is returned.

input_file : str or AttribDict

Input file (already parsed or filename) used to compute the image output.

stf : str

‘displacement’ or ‘velocity’. Only needed if no metadata from original input_file is used.

verbose : bool

If set to True, print some information while reading the file.



An Image object with a list of Patch objects.