pySW4.utils.utils module

Python module with general utilities.

author:Shahar Shani-Kadmiel (
copyright:Shahar Shani-Kadmiel
license:This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (
close_polygon(x, y)[source]

Return a list of points with the first point added to the end.


Returns a flattened 1Darray from any multidimentional array. This function is recursive and may take a long time on large data.

geographic2cartesian(proj4=None, sw4_default_proj='+proj=latlong +datum=NAD83', lon0=0, lat0=0, az=0, m_per_lat=111319.5, m_per_lon=None, lon=None, lat=None, x=None, y=None)[source]

Calculate SW4 cartesian coordinats from geographic coordinates lon, lat in the proj4 projection. If x, y coordinates are given (x and y are not None) the inverse transformation is performed.


proj4 : str or dict or None

EPSG or Proj4. If EPSG then string should be ‘epsg:number’ where number is the EPSG code. See the Geodetic Parameter Dataset Registry for more information. If Proj4 then either a dictionary:

{'proj': projection, 'datum': 'datum', 'units': units,
 'lon_0': lon0, 'lat_0': lat0, 'scale': scale ... etc.}

or a string:

'+proj=projection +datum=datum +units=units +lon_0=lon0 \
    +lat_0=lat0 +scale=scale ... etc.'

should be given.

See the Proj4 documentation for a list of general Proj4 parameters.

In the context of SW4 this dictionary or string should be taken from the grid line in the SW4 input file.

sw4_default_proj : str

SW4 uses ‘+proj=latlong +datum=NAD83’ as the default projection. Pass a different projection for other purposes. See proj4.

lon0 : float

Longitude of the grid origin in degrees.

This is the lon keyword on the grid line in the SW4 input file.

lat0 : float

Latitude of the grid origin in degrees.

This is the lat keyword on the grid line in the SW4 input file.

az : float

Azimuth between North and the x axis of the SW4 grid.

This is the az keyword on the grid line in the SW4 input file.

m_per_lat : float

How many m to a degree latitude. (default: 111319.5 m)

This is the mlat keyword on the grid line in the SW4 input file.

m_per_lon : float

How many m to a degree longitude. If None, m_per_lat is used).

This is the mlon keyword on the grid line in the SW4 input file.

lon : float

Longitude coordinates in degrees to convert (geo. ===> cart.).

lat : float

Latitude coordinates in degrees to convert (geo. ===> cart.).

x : float

x coordinates in meters to convert (cart. ===> geo.).

y : float

y coordinates in meters to convert (cart. ===> geo.).


Converted coordinates:

  • x, y if geo. ===> cart. was invoked or
  • lon, lat if cart. ===> geo. was invoked.

If the azimuth of the SW4 grid is 0 this translates to:

  • X == Northing
  • Y == Easting
  • Z == Vertical (inverted!)
get_corners(x, y)[source]

Extract the corners of the data from its coordinates arrays x and y.


2x list

  • one list of longitudes (or x) and
  • another list of latitudes (or y).
line_in_loglog(x, m, b)[source]

Function to calculate the \(y\) values of a line in log-log space according to

\[y(x) = b \cdot 10^{\log_{10} x^m},\]


  • \(m\) is the slope of the line,
  • \(b\) is the \(y(x=1)\) value and
  • \(x\) is a sequence of values on the x-axis.
make_cmap(colors, position=None, bit=False, named=True)[source]

Make a color map compatible with matplotlib plotting functions.


colors : list

List of matplotlib named colors. Arrange your colors so that the first color is the lowest value for the colorbar and the last is the highest.

position : list

List of values from 0 to 1, controls the position of each color on the cmap. If None (default), an evenly spaced cmap is created.


You can construct the positions sequence in data units and then normalize so that the forst value is 0 and the last value is 1.

named : bool

If set to False, colors are regarded as tuples of RGB values. The RGB values may either be in 8-bit [0 to 255], in which case bit must be set to True or arithmetic [0 to 1] (default).



An instance of the LinearSegmentedColormap cmap class.

nearest_values(array, value, threshold, retvalue=False)[source]

Get the indices (or elements) of an array with a threshold range around a central value.

If retvalue is true, the elements of the array are returned, otherwise a True or False array of the indices of these elements is returned.


>>> array = np.random.randint(-10, 10, size=10)
>>> print(array)
[ 3 -4  9  6  8 -1 -4 -7 -6  7]
>>> idx = nearest_values(array, 5, 2)
>>> print(idx)
>>> print(nearest_values(array, 5, 2, retvalue=True))
>>> print array[idx]
[ True False False  True False False False False False  True]
[3 6 7]
[3 6 7]
resample(data, extent, shape=None, method='linear', draft=False, corners=None, origin='nw', verbose=False)[source]

Resample or interpolate an array on to a grid with new extent and or new shape.


data : 3-tuple or ndarray

Either a tuple of 3x2d ndarray s (X,Y,Z) or a single 2d ndarray Z. If a draft=True and a single Z array is passed, corners must be supplied.

extent : tuple or list

Extent of the output grid to which the array is interpolated.

shape : tuple

The shape of the output grid, defaults to the shape of the input array. If no shape is passed, output grid is the same shape as input array.

method : str

Method of interpolation. One of

  • nearest - return the value at the data point closest to the point of interpolation. This is the faster of the three.
  • linear - tesselate the input point set to n-dimensional simplices, and interpolate linearly on each simplex.
  • cubic - return the value determined from a piecewise cubic, continuously differentiable (C1), and approximately curvature-minimizing polynomial surface.

draft : bool

If set to True, a very fast OpenCV algorithem is used to interpolate the array by reprojection the data corners onto arbitrary corners. See Stack Overflow post for explanation.

corners : 4-tuple

Points to which the corners of Z will be tranformed to. After transformation, the TL, TR, BR, BL corners of the Z array will be transformed to the coordinates in:

corners=(top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left)

where each point is a tuple of (lon, lat). Optionally, corners can be a (src, dst) tuple, where src, dst are each a tuple of n points. Each point in src is transformed to the respective point in extent coordinates in dst.

origin : str

Corresponds to Z[0, 0] of the array or grid, either 'nw' (default), or 'sw'.

verbose : bool

If set to True, some information about the transformation is provided.


3x2d ndarray s or 1x2d ndarray

If data is a tuple of 3x2d arrays (X,Y,Z) and draft is False, xi, yi, zi are returned. If draft is True, only zi is returned.

simple_lonlat2xy(lon, lat, lon0=0, lat0=0, az=0, m_per_lat=111319.5, m_per_lon=None)[source]

Project geographical lat, lon to cartesian x, y coordinates.

This is the inverse function of xy2latlon() function.


lon : float or sequence

lon coordianates.

lat : float or sequence

lat coordianates.

origin : 2-tuple or list

lat, lon coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the x, y grid.

az : float

Rotation of the grid aroud the vertical (z-axis). See the SW4 User Guide for more information.

m_per_lat : float

How many m to a degree latitude. (default: 111319.5 m)

m_per_lon : float

How many m to a degree longitude. If None, m_per_lat is used).


2x ndarray

Two arrays with x and y projected points.

simple_xy2lonlat(x, y, lon0=0, lat0=0, az=0, m_per_lat=111319.5, m_per_lon=None)[source]

Project cartesian x, y coordinates to geographical lat, lon.

This transformation is based on the default projection used by SW4. See section 3.1.1 of the SW4 User Guide for more details.


If the azimuth of the SW4 grid is 0 this translates to:

  • X == Northing
  • Y == Easting
  • Z == Vertical (inverted!)

x : float or sequence

x coordianates.

y : float or sequence

y coordianates.

origin : 2-tuple or list

lat, lon coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the x, y grid.

az : float

Rotation of the grid aroud the vertical (z-axis). See the SW4 User Guide for more information.

m_per_lat : float

How many m to a degree latitude. (default: 111319.5 m)

m_per_lon : float

How many m to a degree longitude. If None, m_per_lat is used).


2x ndarray

Two arrays with lon and lat projected points.

trim_cmap(cmap, cmin, cmax, n=256)[source]

Trim a cmap to cmin and cmax limits in the range 0 to 1. Use Normalize with vmin, vmax of the plot or data to get cmin and cmax


>>> norm = Normalize(-5, 10)
>>> norm(-2)
>>> norm(6)
xy2pixel_coordinates(x, y, extent, shape, origin='nw')[source]

Get the pixel coordinates on a grid.


x : float or sequence

x coordianates (might also be longitudes).

y : float or sequence

y coordianates (might also be latitudes).

extent : tuple or list

Extent of the output grid to which the array is interpolated.

shape : tuple

The shape of the output grid, defaults to the shape of the input array. If no shape is passed, output grid is the same shape as input array.

origin : str

Corresponds to Z[0, 0] of the array or grid, either 'nw' (default), or 'sw'.


2x list

  • one list of longitudes (or x) and
  • another list of latitudes (or y).